Saturday, January 3, 2009

A new girl in town

Sorry for the late post. I recently gave birth to a baby girl weighed 2.4 around 12.27p.m on the 14th of December by Cesarean Section as my girl was breech and I had a placenta previa. It was a successful delivery,however, I had cough after the operation which slows down the healing process of the stitches...but now I feel better and healthy as a horse and I hope with this new year more good things will come in our way. Here are some pics for my family back in Kuala Lumpur to look at.


Vogue Mom said...

eeehhh..... the baby look so cute. congaratulations oja. tapi the 1st & 2nd pic tu mmg jelas lagi terserlah muka bapanya!!

Abdul Q said...

congratulations! such an adorable baby!

My corner said...

Tima kasih semua....

Anonymous said...

pic 3, tu nampak macam baby tu nak minta adik lagi satu la...

hero alkazakh